Antiquin’ Haul.

Where do I find all the vintage goodies? Antique sales, estate sales, garage sales, family members, friends, and one of my favorite spots…rummage sales. Rummage sales are known for having an assortment of goodies at ridiculously low prices. Sometimes you have to wait in a bit of a line, or pay a small fee to get in on the first day, but if you land a big rummage sale, the wait or fee is totally worth it.

Here is my latest haul from a rummage sale:

Honestly…I debated sharing this with you because it looks like I have a slight problem…which I kind of do. I may be a self-proclaimed antique hoarder..but in my opinion (not Grant’s) you can never have enough antique goodies.

Anyways, I paid $5 to get in an hour after this rummage sale started. My uncle waited in line before the doors opened and the line wrapped around the building, even 45 minutes before the sale started. Being that I went after Sadie was in bed, I didn’t have to wait in line. However, by the time I got inside, people were putting ALL sorts of goodies in giant piles or checking their items out already, and the line to checkout was massive. Just picture MADNESS. IT WAS MADNESS. I felt completely overwhelmed because people were yelling across the aisles, claiming things. Pretty sure my blood pressure was the highest its ever been in my entire life. After a few zen-filled deep breaths, I grabbed a tote and started filling it, because the prices were insanely good. I filled one tote. Then another. Then another. Then I realized it was probably time to head back home to Grant. I told him I was only going to be there 20 minutes max…..and two hours later…..I pulled into our driveway. Don’t judge.

I am going to share prices of the items and what I specifically look for at estate sales, rummage sales, etc. in the next several posts over the month of August. That way, if you go to sales, you too can know what to look for. You also have to know I am extremely cheap when it comes to buying antiques, so keep that piece in mind.

So here it is, my first big haul. Want to guess how much I paid for all of these goodies? $70. That’s right, 7-0 (including the $5 fee). Pretty dang good.

Also, just so you know, I’m taking the whole month of August “off” from antiquing because I have so many projects that I have to finish up around here and prefer that I spend my time completing those important projects.

Stay tuned next week to catch more specifics of this haul & what you can keep your eyes peeled for.

Hint: Next week’s feature-Ironstone China

Thanks for reading buddies!!



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