
Part two of my rummage sale haul is featuring brass and silver pieces! Whenever I am out and about, I love to keep my eye out for brass and silver-colored items. I love the warmth and depth that these types of pieces can bring to a space.

A few specifics I look for when hunting:

-Brass pots; Brass animals; Brass frames

-Silver trophies, pewter mugs, silver platters, silver teapots

I always like to add warmth to brass pots. I LOVE old brushes, but I always struggle with how to display them, other than mounting them to a wall. So, below I just threw all of the brushes into an old brass pot.
I also like to throw greenery, faux or real, in with brass because I love the way it adds subtle color to a space. (Faux plant: Ikea)
I grabbed some of the brass frames and filled them with both silhouettes above and family photos below.
Finally, I grabbed all of the old, pewter mugs and placed them on a cabinet and to balance out the silver, I placed the silver teapots a couple shelfs above.

I hope this helps inspire you in some way, and good luck finding some silver and brass pieces of your own!

Thanks for reading buddies!



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