The journey of two clueless renovators relying on the expertise of our family, friends, and contractors, to make our 1960's Ohio brick house, our forever dream home.
Over the past several years, I have been trying to refrain from purchasing a plethora of new clothes and shoes with each passing season. For me personally, I have found that it is better to purchase investment pieces, that are timeless, and long-lasting. I found that I would purchase cheaper items but they only would last a fraction of the time…So, that being said, I rounded up a list of my current favorites and here they are:
Madewell purse. One of my favorite purchases…ever. The last Madewell purse I bought lasted over 10 years. It’s simple, it’s classic, and the quality is truly amazing. Definitely well worth the investment, in my opinion.
I have been purchasing my glasses from this company for the past five years and I can’t say enough about this amazing company! The customer service is outstanding. My last pair I had were slightly damaged and they instantly replaced them, after wearing them for several months. I also love the try on process, ordering a package of five frames to try on at home for free, in a few easy steps. It makes it so incredibly easy, especially for a busy mom like me. I love these simple, timeless frames (these are the Blakeley frame).
This Made By Mary necklace is one I have worn everyday for the past few years. It never tarnishes, and comes with a polishing cloth that works amazing! There are numerous necklaces on the website. I received the March birth flower necklace (for Sadie’s birth month) as a gift, and have since added Hudson’s birth flower charm.
Birkenstocks- These are my favorite! I received a leather pair of these sandals as a gift, and they have held up beautifully! I wear these all spring, summer, and even into fall.
Blundstones- My FAVORITE boots, hands down! I love the rustic look of these boots. I have had mine since December, and I literally never want to take them off, so comfy and supportive! *These specific ones are hard to get on and off at first but get better as the leather is worn-it took me a few months to break them in.
Madewell Jeans- I own Madewell Jeans and the quality of their jeans is like none other. The leather purse above is also made by Madewell. Their whole store is filled with simple, timeless clothing pieces and accessories.
I absolutely love pairing a book with a gift. I think it is a thoughtful way to gift something that coordinates together! Check out all of the book and gift pairings below. (Click each picture to direct you to the item).
ADULT GIFT PAIRINGS-Click PICTURES below to check out each of the items!
Half Baked Harvest + Measuring Spoons
Magnolia Table + Pot Holders
Bread and Wine and wine glasses
A Year of Us and a journal
Present Over Perfect and a journal
The Weekly Self Care Project and nail polish
A Life Well Spent and a wallet with a quick card access
Children GIFT PAIRINGS-Click PICTURES below to check out each of the items!
Slow Down and a nature journal
Little Book of Joy and a bracelet kit
Outside Your Window and binoculars
Bird Count and bird watching book
What makes it Rain and rain gauge
We Are The Gardeners and gardening gloves
Piggy Bank Blessings and piggy bank
National Parks of the U.S.A. and a National Parks passport book
Scribble Stones and a rock painting kit
Between Mom and Me and mommy and me dresses
Between Dad and Me and friendship bracelets
You Are A Beautiful Beginning and flower press
If You Go Down To The Woods Today and a stuffed animal raccoon
Sadie recently had a birthday and received so many adorable gifts. I figured I would put together a list of all of some of the gifts she received with a couple more I added to the list for good measure! Enjoy!
Maileg Mice. These are the sweetest toys. My in laws gift one to Sadie every year and they are just so cute! The mice itself, the furniture, the clothing options…they are truly the cutest toys ever. -Click link or picture below!
WE LOVE this helmet. The clip makes it SO easy to take on and off, I can remove it with one hand, which makes it easy, especially when I am holding Hudson- Click link or picture below!
Check out this sleeping bag that is currently on major sale! Sadie received this sleeping bag from my sister and brother in law and she loved it! You can have it personalized for an extra $10. Click link or picture below.
Unique paintbrush tools-These are an awesome unique (and affordable) gift. We love these. Pair these with some paint, and you have a great gift that every kiddos will be intrigued to use. Click link or picture below!
Tempra Paint Sticks-We use these in Sadie’s art class and we had to ask for these for her birthday, they are so worth it and WAY less messy than traditional paints. Click link or picture below!
Airhog- These cars can go up the wall, and have zero damage wheels. The best part? These cars can jump up to 22 inches high! The wheels are super soft and wont scratch walls or furniture. Click link or picture below!
Hi there! I hoped I would be getting on here to share all about our fabulous basement renovation but we have been very, very slowly chipping away at 1/2 of the basement and it is almost ready for paint! In the meantime, I thought I would pop on here and share some of our favorite items we received (and purchased) over the past several weeks.
Wonderbly Personalized Book! Click the picture or link below to check it out:
An Air Fort! Click the picture or link below to check it out:
Madewell Transport Tote! Click the picture or link below to check it out:
About 10 years ago, I purchased my first Madewell purse and it has seen its good days and is falling apart. These purses are 100% worth the investment as they are timeless and so high quality!
Blundstone High Top Chelsea Boots! Click the picture or link below to check it out:
My new favorite shoes! Seriously love these casual, rugged boots. They are tough to get on and off, but as you wear them and the leather stretches, it becomes a lot easier.
Pet Hair Remover! We purchased this for my aunt and she is a BIG fan! If you have pets, this inexpensive tool is a must for removing pet hair from blankets, rugs, carpet, etc. Click picture or link below:
After having Hudson in August, I wanted to share some of my favorite products that helped during postpartum recovery. From my favorite leggings to my favorite book, take a look at the links below. These would be helpful gifts for an expecting mother or simply add them to your Amazon cart for yourself, because we all know….you deserve it!
My Favorite Products:
Amazon High Rise leggings- These are the absolute BEST! They are a Lululemon Dupe of their Align joggers and to be honest, I like these ones way more than the actual Lululemon ones. They fit me a lot better. They are often out of stock, so if you can grab them while they are available, I would highly recommend! (I ordered the navy blue ones).
Another one of my MUST have products are these PJs. I purchased two sets and I am thinking about purchasing two more. Postpartum or not, these things are SO incredibly comfy.
They also have these in a long sleeve or nightgown option as well. A perfect postpartum gift for that new mama! Or heck, its even a perfect gift for your mom or sister for Christmas!
Another one of my favorites is this cozy robe! This is the Barefoot Dreams dupe and it is so soft and cozy. I love this! It comes in Gray or cream, I bought the cream one. I even wore this during labor. Postpartum or not, I love a good robe!
My brest friend. Quite literally. I prefer this nursing pillow over the boppy. It seems to stay up higher and support the baby better, especially if sitting in a bed or if you do not have a sturdy backrest.
Although this is a book prepping your child for the baby on the way, we still read this book now. We read countless books about the baby that was going to enter into our lives and this one is hands down the best! It explains things to kids with the perfect, kid-focused vocabulary.
This baby book is everything! I love how it is set up and I love it more than the one I purchased for Sadie. The pockets that are laid within the book are the BEST! I have kept all of the cards and hospital mementos tucked inside of those pockets and it is so incredibly convenient.
Next, I applied this every single night (almost) of the last few months of pregnancy to help with stretch marks. I had barely any stretch marks with Sadie and only have a couple small ones this pregnancy and I think it is due to this, as I used this both pregnancies. I know some say stretch marks are due to genetics (and I mostly agree) but it cant hurt to keep your skin hydrated, which reduces your skins ability to drastically stretch. I also apply it now, as it can help reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks.
I had a sitz bath on hand after Sadie’s birth but I never ended up using it. This time around, I used it multiple times a day and I am a strong believer that it aided in a quick healing and faster recovery! (See next product below)
This is the specific sitz soak I use and add to to the sitz bath, made with the purest salts and pure essential oils, which help soothe and relax those healing areas.
Another product I loved was this perineal spray. I loved it sooo much more than the dermoplast spray that the hospital gives you. I went through almost two bottles of this, highly recommend!
A MUST have. My friends surprised me with this amazing gift right before Hudson was born and I had no idea what a game changer this would be. With Sadie, she made so many crazy little noises and I was so anxious about going to bed. With this sock, it completely takes away all nerves, as it tracks the babies oxygen levels and brings such a peace of mind.
I love love love these breastmilk storage bags. You can buy the adapters for less than $7 (see below) and these bags can attach directly to your pump so that you don’t have to transfer all of the milk from a bottle to a bag. Easy peasy.
Hudson is still sleeping in this bassinet next to our bed and we love it. I wish I would’ve had this with Sadie because its so convenient! I love that the side can drop down, its so incredibly easy to get the baby in and out of.
This coconut water is extremely hydrating and perfect to drink right after giving birth or as a breastfeeding mama! Filled with several nutrients and electrolytes.
Protein bars, essential for mamas on the go and breastfeeding mamas too. These are the latest bar that have lots raving. They taste more like a candy bar than a protein bar. A couple other of my favorite bars are: The Perfect Bar and The Simple Truth Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Soft Seed and Nut Bar (both can be purchased at Kroger- add to your Clicklist order, you won’t regret it!).
These are the prenatals I took with Sadie during pregnancy and post pregnancy, due to breastfeeding. I love them! With so many prenatals out there…how is one to choose?! I love that these are a whole food vitamin. Check out the ingredients by clicking the link below.
Here is the prenatal DHA I took with Sadie and now continue to take. Omega 3’s can taste fishy, so I love that these come in a strawberry flavor as well.
Connecting with your spouse can be super difficult during the postpartum period, especially with more than one kiddo! Make time to connect with the help of this simple book. Answer one question a day and connect with your loved one.
Need a coffee holder for your stroller to give you an extra boost while at the zoo? I loooove this and actually bought two. One for my coffee, one for my water. I purchased one with a phone holder and one without (see below).
Below you can find a gift guide filled with unique, heartfelt Christmas gifts for your children, spouse, friend, or family member. As always, if you purchase anything below through my links, it truly means so much to me, so thank you!!
Joanna Gaines new children book, The World Needs Who You Were Made To Be was just released! I own all of her books (and LOVE them all) and you better believe I will be adding this adorable one to Sadie’s Christmas Goodies!
Do you want to give a child a sweet gift that they will use for awhile? Any child would appreciate these brain blox! These wooden blocks help kids learn math, physics, & engineering concepts through hands-on building. Perfect educational STEM toy for ALL ages! Develops problem solving & reasoning abilities, supports logical thinking, improves dexterity & spatial awareness.
This learning tower is perfect for kids who want to help out in the kitchen. There are a lot of these out there, but this one is the most affordable one out there that I have seen. We ordered this for Sadie for Christmas, I am so excited that she will finally be able to safely help out in the kitchen.
We also snagged these for Sadie for Christmas. These handmade, advent felt ornaments correlate with the Jesus Storybook Bible, and allow you to create a meaningful time of reflection leading up to Christmas. Melissa, the creator of these beautiful ornaments gave me a code for 10% off. Use BRICKHOUSE to receive 10% off your order upon checkout.
This Osmo connects to your Ipad or Tablet. Children can travel on an adventure & solve story problems with personal drawings brought to life instantly on the iPad along with drawing problem solving/early physics and learn to draw anything with creative drawing skills.
Wooden Magnifying glass . We purchased this for Sadie for Christmas and can’t wait to watch her discover the world with it.
A balance board! It can be a slide, seesaw, tunnel, boat, rocker, table, stepping stone, lounge chair, fitness equipment, soccer goals, teeter popper or bridge,endless possibilities of free and creative play.
I have had my eyes on this treehouse, but everywhere I was looking, it was $230 and up. I found one on Amazon for significantly cheaper and my parents decided to gift Sadie this adorable play treehouse for Christmas and I can’t wait to see how excited she is to play with this adorable set.
How cute is this nature journal? Children can take it outside and use it to record their observations. Whether that’s through written words or pictures, it’s such a fun idea to promote observations of nature in this journal.
Three, precision cutting knives for kids. SAFE, PRECISION CUTTING OR YOUR MONEY BACK! These knives are great (with parental guidance of course) for that toddler or young child who wants to gain some independece!
This Moonjar is the sweetest. Multiple award winning bank with 3 tin canisters. Each canister has either save, spend, or share on the side. It’s a great math learning tool too!
Bird house with clear, acrylic window with 2-way mirror film lets you see birds inside, but they can’t see you.
These cutting boards are the perfect, heartfelt gift. These are custom, engraved cutting boards. You send the recipe over to this etsy shop, and they can engrave a family recipe or a favorite recipe onto a cutting board size of your choice.
Have you heard of a Berkey water filtration system? Well they make Berkey water bottles and you should check them out for yourself!
Rechargeable hand warmers. SAY what!? Yep it’s true. These really are a unique, affordable gift!
This power washer is amazing. Check out the reviews on Amazon to see for yourself. Also, if you know me, you know how much I love my own power washer. I used this thing all spring and summer long, it’s definitely worth it!
This Barefoot Dreams Robe is the world’s coziest robe. My friend has this robe, and it literally is the dreamiest thing I have ever felt. SO SOFT. Research this, and you will find that HUNDREDS of people say that this is their absolute favorite.
Yes, it’s a bit expensive for a chapstick but this stuff smells like pure bliss and it’s worth every penny.
Revlon One-Step Hair Dryer And Volumizer Hot Air Brush. Check out the ratings on this bad boy!!! I purchased one of these for my mom for Christmas this year, I hope she loves it! What does it do? This Revlon brush delivers gorgeous volume and brilliant shine in a single step. Unique oval brush design for smoothing the hair, while the round edges create volume. Designed with Nylon Pin & Tufted Bristles for detangling, improved volume and control. Unlike conventional hair dryers, this volumizer can be placed closer to the scalp for lift
Jade Roller is a skin care tool will cool, tighten, and de-puff your face in seconds as it massages. It can immediately remove muscle strain as the roller smooths fine lines and eliminates wrinkles.
Reduce dark under eyes puffiness, better skin and health through natural Jade stones without any chemicals or irritants. Also, it promotes blood circulation and improves lymphatic drainage. After using for a couple of days, your face will be less puffy, feel less tense, look more tightly.
We own this rechargeable, electric lighter and it is awesome!! It makes candle lighting SO much easier! Throw away those BIC lighters and keep this guy around for the long haul. You definitely want one of these, believe me.
Hands down my favorite mascara EVER. The best part? It’s a whopping $4.99. I have tried COUNTLESS mascaras and there is none that compare, especially at this price point.
Know someone who would appreciate an awesome highlighter? I use this everyday in my makeup routine, and I love the natural glow that this product gives!
One of my favorite books for making your house cozy, and inviting.
The Always Pan. THIS PAN. YOU GUYS. The Always Pan has sold out 10 times since its launch earlier this year and has racked up a 30,000-person waitlist of eager cooks. This pan consistently popped up in my Instagram feed Ads, so I just thought it was a silly add, but I started seeing several influencers recommend this. This do-it-all wonder is designed to replace 8 traditional pieces of cookware. Plus, it looks pretty good too (check out all of the amazing colors). The Always Pan replaces your fry pan, saute pan, steamer, skillet, saucier, saucepan, non-stick pan, spatula, and spoon rest. Check it out for yourself!
Head to this Etsy store and enter the name of the city you would like to have laser cut. If you would like the map centered on a particular address, you can include that as well!
The Samsung Frame TV. The Frame TV transforms into a beautiful work of art when you’re not watching TV; Activate the built in motion sensor so whenever you walk into the room, your TV displays 1 of your favorite selections. There is a TON of artwork that you can choose to display, or you can download a personal favorite. The other fun thing? The frame comes with a standard black frame, but you can always customize it, and purchase another one!
The Bissell Crosswave. It has thousands upon thousands of amazing reviews. Why? Because it mops and vacuums, all at the same time. This vacuum has a two-tank system – keeps cleaning solution and dirty water separate to make sure you are always cleaning with fresh water and formula. It kills two birds with one stone, and it’s worth every penny.
Do you want your car (or your significant others) to smell like that favorite essential oil? This portable, waterless diffuser has awesome reviews, and it’s very affordable!
This next diffuser, is also waterless. This waterless diffuser is very convenient, as you don’t have to add water every time you want to diffuse. Simply add the drops, and turn on! As an extra bonus, its diffusing smell is stronger than a diffuser that you add water too.
I received a year-long subscription of Magnolia Journal for Christmas a few years ago. It was a thoughtful gift from my amazing mother in law, and now I ask for it every year for Christmas! Its my favorite magazine and they are filled with so much goodness. Four issues, at $5 an issue so it’s only $20 for the year!
My favorite purse of all time. It’s timeless. It’s quality is superb and it goes with every outfit. I love it! I was so sick of buying new purses every year, so I wanted to invest in a nice one. I have had this purse for almost six years now, and it still has so much life left! HIGHLY recommend. Side note: You can even get your initials printed on!
I saved up for Grant’s birthday present this year, and purchased this Hypervolt Hyperice. We love this thing. Grant has neck/shoulder flare ups on a consistent basis, so I wanted to get him a massage gun that he could use to take away a lot of his neck tension, and this does the trick. I also get a lot of tension headaches, that start in my shoulders, because that is typically where I carry a lot of my stress. This works like a CHARM. My chiropractor uses this in his office, and he highly recommended this line.
This candle… LOL. You know you’re thinking of that ONE person that this would be perfect for.
Painting projects. They seem to never end around here because we are always painting something in or around our home. When we first started painting, we realized that there’s a lot more to it than just picking up a brush and tackling the job.
So whether you are painting a project, a bedroom, or any other thing that involves paint, I wanted to give you a list of our MUST have products for any paint project ahead.
First and foremost, run to the store and purchase Frogtape. It’s the best painters tape out there. We tested out several (as we had painted over 10 rooms in our home) and Frogtape is hands down, the best.
Next, You will definitely want to grab a HANDy paint cup. Aside from the molded handle, there is a magnet on the inside of the cup, which allows your brush to adhere to it if you need to set down the cup. This magnet is so incredibly handy! Also, you can buy these plastic inserts, that insert right into this cup, so you don’t have to wash out the cup after each use.
Second thing you need is a paintbrush and a roller. We recommend everything Purdy, we love them especially because you don’t get any fuzz or paintbrush bristles in or on your project. You pay for what you get, and in our opinion, purchasing a nice paintbrush and roller is necessary for a wonderful paint job outcome! Click here for the roller covers and extender pole!
Have some hard to reach places? This Wooster brush is a must have! We used this brush to paint an extensive amount of trim. It saved our hands from all of the painting hand cramps that may arise, especially after painting a large space. We love that it’s lightweight, and easy to hold. We always keep one of these handy around here.
Aside from purchasing the right products, in order to have a successful painting outcome, you first need to make sure your walls or project are properly prepared.
Step One: Vacuum, wipe down, and dust your project. Whether its walls or a small frame, its important to make sure the dust is completely gone, so that the paint can adhere properly.
Step Two: Apply Primer if needed. Primer is not necessary for all paint jobs. It’s only needed in these cases:
bare drywall
stained or repaired areas
bare wood
high-gloss finishes
major color changes
Once you get your project piece or room cleaned, it’s time to head to pick up the paint! Did you know there are Painting Calculators that can calculate the amount of paint you may need for your room or project? Lowe’s offers one here:
There are so many other steps that come with painting…like “cutting in”, what type of roller to get, how long you should wait before applying a new coat of paint…but that we will save for another day!
After a long day of cleaning off the high chair for the 32nd time, my fair share of changing dirty diapers, and lots of toddler tantrums, I’m always, always, ALWAYS ready for a little self-care time.
One way that I like to take advantage of that self-care time, is attending estate sales. I always loved shopping at department stores, but two years ago, I discovered local estate sales in my area, and my life was forever changed. Finding an estate sale that has unique, antique treasures, at incredible prices, is like hitting a gold mine. However, whether I walk out of an estate sale with a shiny new antique treasure, or walk out empty-handed, I always leave feeling refreshed. Mindlessly walking through a home, taking my mind off of the million other things going on, and having some time to disconnect from everything going on in my life, is totally refreshing for me (and bonus if I found something that I wanted, at an awesome price)!
You may be wondering where to find the local estate sales in your area. For starters, you can look in your local newspaper, on, or on Facebook Marketplace, but the site I love to find the estate sales I attend, is called You can also download the app, right to your phone. Then, all you do is type in your local city or zip code and BOOM! All of the local estate sales around you will pop up, usually with an adequate amount of pictures, for your browsing pleasure.
A few estate sale tips:
If you attend an estate sale right at opening time, there will usually be a line. Depending on the sale, if there is a line, you sometimes have to put your name on a list. (The list is usually attached to the front door, or on a clipboard near the front porch). If there is a LOT of stuff packed into a house, the estate sale companies are usually limited to how many people they can let into a house at a time, that is why the lists come in handy.
If it is the first day of the sale, Estate Sale companies usually will not take offers for any items. However, if its the second, third, or fourth etc. day of the sale, they usually are open to offers, and all of the items in the house are usually marked down 25% off, 50% off, etc.
It never hurts to make an offer on something you love! Some estate sale companies have specific contracts with the owners of the house, and cannot accept offers, but it never hurts to try.
Bring Cash. Some companies accept cards, but it’s easier to bring cash, just to be safe.
Whether your self-care time looks like going to an estate sale or getting your nails done, or taking a bike ride. I hope you find some time this week, to unplug, take some time for yourself, and feel fully recharged!
I’ve been a die-hard Joanna Gaines fan, since HGTV’s hit television show, Fixer Upper started in 2013. My husband and I were hooked on the show so much so, we even flew down to Waco, Texas to spend a weekend at Magnolia for the fall Silobration in October 2017.
When Joanna Gaines launched her first cookbook, Magnolia Table, you know I had to have it. I didn’t just love this cookbook because it was written by the decorating queen herself, I loved it because it was simple, the recipes were easy to follow, and I (and my husband) loved everything that I made. Not to mention, most of the pages include descriptions about why the recipe is meaningful to her, which is one of my very favorite things about the cookbook.
So which one to buy if they are both just THAT good!? I would definitely start with Volume 1. Magnolia Table Volume 1, has a knockout Banana bread recipe, famously known as, After School Banana Bread. A few of my other favorite recipes are Joanna’s Chocolate Chip Cookies, Aunt Opal’s Banana Pudding, Joanna’s Biscuits, and Chocolate Cola Cake. Aside from all of my favorites, keep in mind, that these cookbooks are filled with delicious appetizer recipes, lunch and dinner recipes, and drool-worthy dessert recipes.
Want to try one of those aforementioned recipes above? Start with the After School Banana Bread recipe below, and you’re sure to add this book to your Amazon cart, after one taste test. Happy Baking!
After School Banana Bread:
Non Stick Baking Spray
8 tablespoons (1 stick) salted butter, melted and cooled
1 cup packed light brown sugar
2 large eggs, beaten
1 1/2 Teaspoons pure vanilla extract
4 to 5 very ripe bananas (mashed)
1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional; see tip)
1 to 2 tablespoons granulated sugar as needed
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray an 8×8 inch pan with nonstick baking spray or line it with parchment paper.
In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (or in a large bowl with a handheld electric mixer), beat together the butter, the brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla until well blended. Add the bananas and mix until combined.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and beat just until combined. Add the pecans (if using) and mix until combined.
Pour the batter into the prepared pan and spread it evenly. Sprinkle the sugar over the top. I like slightly bin the pan on a rack. Slice and serve warm with butter.
When completely cooled, cover the pan with foil and store at room temperature for up to 2 days.
Makes 8 Servings
*TIP: Feel free to replace the pecans with a cup of chocolate chips
With both cookbooks, having 5 star Amazon reviews, (click here for link) I would recommend them to anyone and everyone. These cookbooks would be a wonderful addition to your kitchen, especially in the approaching fall season.