
I’ve been overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the fact that Sadie has grown before my eyes in a mere six weeks. Overwhelmed that before we know it, she will be walking. Overwhelmed that we said we would start redoing our second bathroom when Sadie turns one. BUT what about our living room? BUT what about all of the trim we have yet to finish? BUT what about the office that is only half-shiplapped? BUT what about the laundry room cabinets?! When I think about anything to do with the house lately, I’m consumed.

Isn’t that how life is? Constantly threatening to consume our thoughts, our time, our whole beings, instead of just laying back and enjoying the ride. Life will consume you, if you let it.   So, for the next couple of weeks, I am going to unplug, log off, and get outside and oh this postpartum momma couldn’t need anything more.

P.S. Here’s a pic of Sadie lookin like a total butterball.

P.S.S. Excited to show you all of the house updates soon. . .stay tuned!!

Love you buds!



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