My Favorite Postpartum Must-Haves

After having Hudson in August, I wanted to share some of my favorite products that helped during postpartum recovery. From my favorite leggings to my favorite book, take a look at the links below. These would be helpful gifts for an expecting mother or simply add them to your Amazon cart for yourself, because we all know….you deserve it!

My Favorite Products:

Amazon High Rise leggings- These are the absolute BEST! They are a Lululemon Dupe of their Align joggers and to be honest, I like these ones way more than the actual Lululemon ones. They fit me a lot better. They are often out of stock, so if you can grab them while they are available, I would highly recommend! (I ordered the navy blue ones).

Next, for all breastfeeding mamas, this Earth Mama Organics product is an absolute must have!

Another one of my MUST have products are these PJs. I purchased two sets and I am thinking about purchasing two more. Postpartum or not, these things are SO incredibly comfy.

They also have these in a long sleeve or nightgown option as well. A perfect postpartum gift for that new mama! Or heck, its even a perfect gift for your mom or sister for Christmas!

Another one of my favorites is this cozy robe! This is the Barefoot Dreams dupe and it is so soft and cozy. I love this! It comes in Gray or cream, I bought the cream one. I even wore this during labor. Postpartum or not, I love a good robe!

My brest friend. Quite literally. I prefer this nursing pillow over the boppy. It seems to stay up higher and support the baby better, especially if sitting in a bed or if you do not have a sturdy backrest.

Hands down the best pump. I used to use a Medela pump and this one works soooo much better. I get twice the amount of milk using this pump.

Although this is a book prepping your child for the baby on the way, we still read this book now. We read countless books about the baby that was going to enter into our lives and this one is hands down the best! It explains things to kids with the perfect, kid-focused vocabulary.

This baby book is everything! I love how it is set up and I love it more than the one I purchased for Sadie. The pockets that are laid within the book are the BEST! I have kept all of the cards and hospital mementos tucked inside of those pockets and it is so incredibly convenient.

This is perfect for lounging on the couch or laying your sleeping baby in for a nap. We love this product.

Next, I applied this every single night (almost) of the last few months of pregnancy to help with stretch marks. I had barely any stretch marks with Sadie and only have a couple small ones this pregnancy and I think it is due to this, as I used this both pregnancies. I know some say stretch marks are due to genetics (and I mostly agree) but it cant hurt to keep your skin hydrated, which reduces your skins ability to drastically stretch. I also apply it now, as it can help reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

I have also heard people speak wonders about this Neutrogena product for stretch marks as well.

I had a sitz bath on hand after Sadie’s birth but I never ended up using it. This time around, I used it multiple times a day and I am a strong believer that it aided in a quick healing and faster recovery! (See next product below)

This is the specific sitz soak I use and add to to the sitz bath, made with the purest salts and pure essential oils, which help soothe and relax those healing areas.–LbRg

Those post-placenta delivery cramps? The WORST. One thing can make it better…heat! This works like a charm and love the various settings it has.

Another product I loved was this perineal spray. I loved it sooo much more than the dermoplast spray that the hospital gives you. I went through almost two bottles of this, highly recommend!

A MUST have. My friends surprised me with this amazing gift right before Hudson was born and I had no idea what a game changer this would be. With Sadie, she made so many crazy little noises and I was so anxious about going to bed. With this sock, it completely takes away all nerves, as it tracks the babies oxygen levels and brings such a peace of mind.

I love love love these breastmilk storage bags. You can buy the adapters for less than $7 (see below) and these bags can attach directly to your pump so that you don’t have to transfer all of the milk from a bottle to a bag. Easy peasy.

The attachments for the above bags to be attached to your breast pump are here:

Hudson is still sleeping in this bassinet next to our bed and we love it. I wish I would’ve had this with Sadie because its so convenient! I love that the side can drop down, its so incredibly easy to get the baby in and out of.

This coconut water is extremely hydrating and perfect to drink right after giving birth or as a breastfeeding mama! Filled with several nutrients and electrolytes.

Protein bars, essential for mamas on the go and breastfeeding mamas too. These are the latest bar that have lots raving. They taste more like a candy bar than a protein bar. A couple other of my favorite bars are: The Perfect Bar and The Simple Truth Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Soft Seed and Nut Bar (both can be purchased at Kroger- add to your Clicklist order, you won’t regret it!).

These shorts. I saw another postpartum mama talk about these and I added them to my cart and I’m SUPER happy about with them.

I also purchased this nursing sports bra, and it is such great quality. I love this!

These are the prenatals I took with Sadie during pregnancy and post pregnancy, due to breastfeeding. I love them! With so many prenatals out there…how is one to choose?! I love that these are a whole food vitamin. Check out the ingredients by clicking the link below.

Here is the prenatal DHA I took with Sadie and now continue to take. Omega 3’s can taste fishy, so I love that these come in a strawberry flavor as well.

Long phone cords are a must! This comes in a pack of 3 and these can fit right into your apple phone charger.

All of the dark undereye circles from the lack of sleep are saved by this cooling probiotic undereye stick!

Connecting with your spouse can be super difficult during the postpartum period, especially with more than one kiddo! Make time to connect with the help of this simple book. Answer one question a day and connect with your loved one.

Need a coffee holder for your stroller to give you an extra boost while at the zoo? I loooove this and actually bought two. One for my coffee, one for my water. I purchased one with a phone holder and one without (see below).

Thanks for stopping by the blog today, hope you found this helpful!


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Our Birth Story: Hudson Samuel

It was August 4, 2021. I woke suddenly at midnight and had to use the bathroom. Upon standing up, I was shocked to find an adequate amount of blood dripping down my leg. So In full panic, I woke Grant up and ran to the bathroom and much to my dismay I was peeing out straight blood. We immediately called our midwife who helped us navigate that scary moment . It was terrifying. An instant pit-filled feeling filled my stomach as I wiped my sweaty, shaking hands on my shorts. Anxiety ridden thoughts took over my every being as I sat there and felt so incredibly scared for the health of my baby. But I reminded myself to slow down. And breathe. Just breathe. While on the phone, the bleeding shortly thereafter subsided and I felt the baby kick. So, with the guidance of my midwife, I decided to lay down and rest to see if my body kicked into labor.

I woke up out of a dead sleep at 2:48 A.M. and sure enough, my body kicked right into labor and we begun timing out the contractions. They were consistent at first- six minutes and my apart lasting for one minute, for one hour. Then five minutes apart, lasting for one minute, for one hour. But then they started to get sporadic, the same exact way that my contractions hit when I was in labor with Sadie. I was worried that this would happen this time around because with sporadic contractions, there is no clear sign of when we should head to the hospital. So, my plan was to bear with the pain until it was too painful and then head to the hospital at whatever point that may be. 

7 A.M. rolled around, Sadie woke up and my mom arrived at our house. Sadie and my mom stood by my side and breathed through some of the contractions with me and I will cherish those sweet memories for the rest of my life. Then a quick two hours later, Grant and I hugged Sadie (and my mom) and headed to the hospital where we were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our little girl or boy. (The ride to the hospital was brutal. I was begging Grant to take it slowly over each bump in the road, because for every pot hole in the road that we hit, I had a contraction). 

At 9:30 A.M. we arrived at the hospital, they put me in a wheelchair, and I contracted all the way up to the labor and delivery floor. I vaguely remember passing a son and his mother, and a sweet man congratulating Grant and I both, but I was in too much pain to even muster up a mere “thank you” to the sweet gentleman. When I am in pain, my eye stays on the prize, as I try to really “hone”into the pain and stay as relaxed as possible. The more relaxed you are, the more your cervix will open, so even mustering up a “thank you” , in that moment, felt like it would totally wreck my focus. Luckily, Grant was prepared to speak for both of us, in any and all situations. 

Because of a helpful tip, we called our hospital on the way there and were able to request the large, spacious room that had a labor tub. So when we got to the labor and delivery floor, they wheeled us right down to the room. I was ready to get in the tub but my midwife had to check me first. I had not had any checks up to that point because I didn’t have any desire to see where I was because I was scared of getting false hope. Much to my surprise I was 9.5 cm dilated, 100% effaced and at station 0. I couldn’t really process what I was hearing, but from that point on, my midwife never left the room. 

A couple of hours later, I felt my body go through transition (I get extremely cold and then extremely hot). My body naturally started pushing on its own and I pushed for 35 minutes, I remember thinking that I wanted to jump out of my skin and run away at one point. While pushing, I caught on to some subtle comments that my midwife and nurse were worried about the babies heartbeat. They were suspecting that their was a possibility of a cord around the neck or that the baby was posterior. So, as I was pushing, she said I had to push extremely slow, even though my body may wish to push as fast as possible. I heard her say to the other nurse that there was a possible chance of shoulder dystocia and and they decided to call in an additional nurse, in case they needed more help. Although I heard her say this, I wasn’t the least bit worried, because I really trusted my midwife. As the baby started to make an appearance,  my midwife realized that the babies shoulders were in fact positioned incorrectly and she did an amazing maneuver to make sure the shoulders didn’t get caught. And I’m still Praising God for protection over Hudson and myself!

Hudson Samuel was born at 11:48 AM on August 5, 2021 weighing 8 lbs. and 14 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. We were so overjoyed with the arrival of our little boy and continue to be in awe in of the miracle he truly is. 

Head to @thisoldbrickhouse on Instagram to watch a video compilation of Hudson’s arrival. 

Thank you for visiting the blog today, it means so much to me!


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DIY Montessori Kitchen Hack

This year, as I was browsing the internet for unique Christmas gift ideas for my toddler, I came across a Montessori Kitchen hack, using the $89.00 DUKTIG Ikea kitchen. I laid my eyes on this simplistic, affordable kitchen and knew that this would be the perfect gift for Sadie.

You simply put together the kitchen, leaving the top piece, the light up stove, and the play faucet aside. Some people also drill a hole through the sink so it drains into a bucket underneath the sink, but I knew Sadie would somehow get her hands on the bucket, so I decided against that idea. I did however decide to keep her water canister partially full, so she wouldn’t overflow the sink. Side note: I do have to empty the sink, or I soak it up with a towel, but it’s not a big hassle, considering how much joy this kitchen brings Sadie.

So let’s talk Montessori first. Will I be strictly practicing Montessori principles with Sadie? No. Do I love that the Montessori approach is to foster independence? Yes. Knowing that we have other plans for schooling for Sadie in the future, I still loved what the Montessori school teaches. I know that typically, in a Montessori classroom, play kitchens aren’t in the children’s typical setting, but I thought this was a perfect way to promote some independence, while promoting some of the things that Sadie is enjoying the most (like being in the kitchen and helping with everything)! I have given Sadie dishes, food to cut (with kid safe knives) and, have given her a soap canister, and her own scrub brush to “wash” her dishes when she is done. She has a few other tools in her kitchen, but it takes a little bit of guidance to show her how to use each of the items properly. So we are definitely still working on that! I am mostly hands off (and don’t be fooled, this takes A LOT of patience for me), as she discovers her kitchen.

Sadie does have a play kitchen in another area of our house, so this specific Ikea kitchen will serve as a kitchen where she gets to wash dishes or her hands. She will get practice cutting food, as I also will be preparing food in the kitchen. She will get her snack at her kitchen, and she will be able to find all of her other household items in or near her kitchen space. So this kitchen will be less about play, and more about actually using it to do the same things I do in the kitchen myself.

So what do you need if you want to build your own kitchen?

Ikea Duktig kitchen

Cutting board to fit the open stovetop space

Water Dispenser

Kid-safe knives

Handheld broom and dustpan

Stand alone dustpan and broom


Organizing trays

Scrub Brush

Soap Canister (The one pictured is from Ikea)

Small glass montessori pitcher

Wooden measuring spoons

Rolling pin


Kitchen Towel

The other big difference between this functional kitchen and a play kitchen is what we fill the kitchen with. Instead of filling the kitchen with assorted play items, I filled it with utensils, all of her dishes, and I will be adding some cleaning supplies that she uses on a daily basis. I only will fill the kitchen with a few items so that it’s not particularly overwhelming and doesn’t create a giant mess.

I originally snagged this idea from, and I loved one final thing that she said about her kitchen, “About the water: Though not strictly “practical”, I do let D play at the kitchen sink, even when it’s not to wash or drink water. She is clearly getting a positive sensory experience by running her hands through water, and concentration from pouring water back and forth from her pitchers… One day very soon, it will lose it’s magic, and she will simply use water for its intended purpose, so I’m embracing her love of water for now. ” So yes, I will let Sadie continue to use the water, for practical and sometimes playful experiences, because she loves it and it’s so much fun to watch her discover the things she loves!

Thanks for stopping by the blog today!



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Local Estate Sales: How Do I find them?

After a long day of cleaning off the high chair for the 32nd time, my fair share of changing dirty diapers, and lots of toddler tantrums, I’m always, always, ALWAYS ready for a little self-care time.

One way that I like to take advantage of that self-care time, is attending estate sales. I always loved shopping at department stores, but two years ago, I discovered local estate sales in my area, and my life was forever changed. Finding an estate sale that has unique, antique treasures, at incredible prices, is like hitting a gold mine. However, whether I walk out of an estate sale with a shiny new antique treasure, or walk out empty-handed, I always leave feeling refreshed. Mindlessly walking through a home, taking my mind off of the million other things going on, and having some time to disconnect from everything going on in my life, is totally refreshing for me (and bonus if I found something that I wanted, at an awesome price)!

You may be wondering where to find the local estate sales in your area. For starters, you can look in your local newspaper, on, or on Facebook Marketplace, but the site I love to find the estate sales I attend, is called You can also download the app, right to your phone. Then, all you do is type in your local city or zip code and BOOM! All of the local estate sales around you will pop up, usually with an adequate amount of pictures, for your browsing pleasure.

A few estate sale tips:

  1. If you attend an estate sale right at opening time, there will usually be a line. Depending on the sale, if there is a line, you sometimes have to put your name on a list. (The list is usually attached to the front door, or on a clipboard near the front porch). If there is a LOT of stuff packed into a house, the estate sale companies are usually limited to how many people they can let into a house at a time, that is why the lists come in handy.
  2. If it is the first day of the sale, Estate Sale companies usually will not take offers for any items. However, if its the second, third, or fourth etc. day of the sale, they usually are open to offers, and all of the items in the house are usually marked down 25% off, 50% off, etc.
  3. It never hurts to make an offer on something you love! Some estate sale companies have specific contracts with the owners of the house, and cannot accept offers, but it never hurts to try.
  4. Bring Cash. Some companies accept cards, but it’s easier to bring cash, just to be safe.

Whether your self-care time looks like going to an estate sale or getting your nails done, or taking a bike ride. I hope you find some time this week, to unplug, take some time for yourself, and feel fully recharged!

Thank you for stopping by the blog today!


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Magnolia Table Cookbook Review: Which One To Buy?

I’ve been a die-hard Joanna Gaines fan, since HGTV’s hit television show, Fixer Upper started in 2013. My husband and I were hooked on the show so much so, we even flew down to Waco, Texas to spend a weekend at Magnolia for the fall Silobration in October 2017.

When Joanna Gaines launched her first cookbook, Magnolia Table, you know I had to have it. I didn’t just love this cookbook because it was written by the decorating queen herself, I loved it because it was simple, the recipes were easy to follow, and I (and my husband) loved everything that I made.  Not to mention, most of the pages include descriptions about why the recipe is meaningful to her, which is one of my very favorite things about the cookbook.

Then, Joanna Gaines launched her second cookbook, Magnolia Table, Volume 2. Filled with more delicious, mouthwatering recipes that I couldn’t wait to try. This cookbook was very similar to Volume 1, and proved to be just as delicious.

So which one to buy if they are both just THAT good!? I would definitely start with Volume 1. Magnolia Table Volume 1, has a knockout Banana bread recipe, famously known as, After School Banana Bread. A few of my other favorite recipes are Joanna’s Chocolate Chip Cookies,  Aunt Opal’s Banana Pudding, Joanna’s Biscuits, and Chocolate Cola Cake. Aside from all of my favorites, keep in mind, that these cookbooks are filled with delicious appetizer recipes, lunch and dinner recipes, and drool-worthy dessert recipes.

Want to try one of those aforementioned recipes above? Start with the After School Banana Bread recipe below, and you’re sure to add this book to your Amazon cart, after one taste test. Happy Baking!

After School Banana Bread:


Non Stick Baking Spray

8 tablespoons (1 stick) salted butter, melted and cooled

1 cup packed light brown sugar

2 large eggs, beaten

1 1/2 Teaspoons pure vanilla extract

4 to 5 very ripe bananas (mashed)

1 3/4 cups all purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 cup chopped pecans (optional; see tip)

1 to 2 tablespoons granulated sugar as needed

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Spray an 8×8 inch pan with nonstick baking spray or line it with parchment paper.
  2. In a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (or in a large bowl with a handheld electric mixer), beat together the butter, the brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla until well blended. Add the bananas and mix until combined.
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and beat just until combined. Add the pecans (if using) and mix until combined.
  4. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and spread it evenly. Sprinkle the sugar over the top. I like slightly bin the pan on a rack. Slice and serve warm with butter.
  5. When completely cooled, cover the pan with foil and store at room temperature for up to 2 days.

Makes 8 Servings

*TIP: Feel free to replace the pecans with a cup of chocolate chips

With both cookbooks, having 5 star Amazon reviews, (click here for link) I would recommend them to anyone and everyone. These cookbooks would be a wonderful addition to your kitchen, especially in the approaching fall season.

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Sadie officially turned one on March 3 and we threw her birthday party this past weekend! I just love throwing parties. Finding fun things to decorate with has always been my favorite. When a party can have a theme, I am all about it! Here are some affordable tips and all of the sources that I used for our party, hope this helps!


1. SHOP YOUR HOUSE!-What do you have laying around that you could use? What could you use from those dreaded storage bins in the basement? Craft bin? Seasonal Decor? Get creative!

2. USE YOUR PRINTER! I printed off “Some Bunny Is One” pictures and framed them in frames that I had sitting around. It took me a really long time to find an exact Peter Rabbit image on Google that I liked, but after finding one and selecting a font I liked, it made for a cheap, added touch.

3. DIY BALLOON ARCH- I purchased a balloon arch strip from Walmart and then attached balloons that I purchased from Hobby Lobby for a whopping $1.59 (for 20 balloons!) Hobby Lobby, in my opinion, has the best selection of balloons. There are many different sizes and a wide variety of colors to choose from. That ONE balloon? It was only $6.99 on Amazon and added such a cute touch!

Balloon arch-CLICK HERE:


4. MAKE YOUR FOOD- The best kept secret is Kirkland brand smoked pulled pork. We used this to make pulled-pork sliders (you can also grab those amazing King’s Hawaiian rolls at Costco). This stuff is amazing and at only $10.99 for a package at Costco, you pretty much can’t beat it. Toss it in your crockpot and set it to warm, and voila! It’s ready in a mere couple of hours.

5. Last but not least, PRINT PICTURES! Pictures are a cheap, easy way to decorate. We hung over 100 pictures up on all of our windows and I still have them hanging up! It adds such a fun, personal touch.

Sadie has a bunny that she hates to part with in the mornings (after snuggling with him all night). So, we figured what better theme than good ol’ Peter Rabbit?! Below you can take a peek at all of the decor ideas, and follow the links to see where I purchased some of the items.

To start off…aren’t these rabbits amazing?! Pottery Barn has these for sale, and I love them. They are seriously perfect for a Peter Rabbit themed party, but I love that I can use them all throughout the spring as well. There are four different sizes, so click through the links below to see all of the options!

Sitting rabbit-CLICK HERE:

Rabbit with basket-CLICK HERE:

Laying rabbit-CLICK HERE:

Small rabbit-CLICK HERE:

Green Moss-CLICK HERE:

Follow the links to see the napkins, plates, and cupcake toppers. I loved em.

P.S. Sadie doesn’t like cake.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Hope this helped inspire you in some way, for a future party ahead.



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Lately, life has brought on a lot of change, and when change arises, sometimes it is good to take some self care time. So that’s what I have been doing a lot of. I’ve spent a lot of needed time with friends, I’ve been working on furniture (painting, deconstructing), I’ve been doing some antique retail therapy, and I just started exercising again. It feels great to take some time for myself after its been such a looooong time of focusing on this big project of ours. Because when I do take time for myself, the big things in life don’t seem so daunting.

So, to sum up all of the changes, one of the biggest changes that rocked my world, was that I left my teaching career behind. Grant and I packed up my classroom and I officially became a stay at home momma! I am so happy to be staying at home, but it has definitely been tough knowing I will not be going back in August.

Then, I had to say goodbye to my kindergarten bestie because she and her husband moved across the country.

And of course, I’m still dealing with postpartum emotions, and the ups and downs of being a momma. But man alive, do I love my Sadie Bug.

This week, i’m going to continue prioritizing my needs and saying no when I need to, so that I don’t feel completely weighed down with the changes of life and the continual to-do list around here. We are however, getting back into the groove of things and shiplapping a lot of areas. We are also purchasing a roof and installing a couple of sliding glass doors, so that’s where all of our time (estimates) and cash flow has been going. Can’t wait to show you our progress!

PS-I post daily updates on my Instagram stories and on my Instagram feed! Feel free to follow along @thisoldbrickhouse


Thanks for reading buddies!


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I’ve been overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by the fact that Sadie has grown before my eyes in a mere six weeks. Overwhelmed that before we know it, she will be walking. Overwhelmed that we said we would start redoing our second bathroom when Sadie turns one. BUT what about our living room? BUT what about all of the trim we have yet to finish? BUT what about the office that is only half-shiplapped? BUT what about the laundry room cabinets?! When I think about anything to do with the house lately, I’m consumed.

Isn’t that how life is? Constantly threatening to consume our thoughts, our time, our whole beings, instead of just laying back and enjoying the ride. Life will consume you, if you let it.   So, for the next couple of weeks, I am going to unplug, log off, and get outside and oh this postpartum momma couldn’t need anything more.

P.S. Here’s a pic of Sadie lookin like a total butterball.

P.S.S. Excited to show you all of the house updates soon. . .stay tuned!!

Love you buds!



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Well, house plans went on a bit of a hold because our sweet Sadie Rose came into the world on March 3. Grant stayed home for two weeks and he officially went back to work this Monday, so its up to me to tackle these poopy diapers now. I sat down at the computer today and went down memory lane, remembering what it was like to be pregnant. Just two and a half weeks ago, I didn’t know that I had a sweet baby girl dwelling inside of me.


So, because I love reading other women’s birth stories and I don’t ever want to forget the subtle details of mine, I wanted to put Sadie’s birth story into writing. So here ya go:

It was March 2, Grant and I had just got home from a birthday party and got ready for bed and we were going to watch a movie but nine o’clock on the dot hit,  and contractions started. I remember thinking, these feel a bit different than anything I’ve felt before? A mix of anxiety and happiness started to settle in as we decided to start timing the contractions. Could this really be it? Would I really get to meet my baby soon?

I had contractions for about two and a half hours but they were spread out and sporadic, but they began to get closer. 16 minutes apart. 9 minutes apart. 2-3 minutes apart. Meanwhile I texted my family, and gave them a heads up that I thought I was in active labor, and my sister suggested that I take a shower to see if the contractions stalled at all. Still the contractions remained 2-3 minutes a part, lasting for 30-60 seconds. I labored until 3 A.M. and my contractions were still 2-3 minutes apart, lasting for 30-60 seconds. I did not have much down time between contractions and the whole idea of sleeping between contractions, or packing for the hospital between contractions, flew right out the window. Grant and I were both so confused. All of the books said to follow the 5-1-1 (5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute, for 1 hour). THEN MY WATER BROKE. I may have watched one too many YouTube videos of people giving birth in the car, so these haunted me a bit. So I yelled to Grant, “OH MY GOSH, ONCE YOUR WATER BREAKS, CONTRACTIONS SPEED UP, AND MY CONTRACTIONS ARE ONLY 2-3 MINUTES APART!!!” So, Grant sprinted upstairs, tried to pack some last minute things into our bags, tried to find my pants, and thus set in his slight panic, “WHAT KIND OF PANTS DO YOU WANT?! WHERE IS YOUR SHAMPOO?! WHAT SHOES DO YOU WANT TO WEAR?!” Meanwhile, I am mid-contraction thinking, shoot he has to remain calm or this is going to be one chaotic mess. I have never seen Grant “frantic”. . . until that day. So he came running downstairs and I said to him, “Whatever you do, I need you to remain calm.” He took a deep breath and we calmly both walked past my puddle of water laying on the floor, hopped in the car, and headed to the hospital. We called our midwife and doula and they both said it was our choice if we felt the need to go to the hospital, but they didn’t sound worried. So, I called my backup doctor-AKA-my sister, and she stated that her contractions were all spread out for all three of her births and that I may still have lots of labor ahead. So, we turned around and headed back home.

Do you think I got out of the car? No. I put that Jeep seat in full recline and geared up to labor in the garage. After an hour and a half in the garage and driveway, Grant’s gas light went off. Well, the teacher in me, always having to be prepared, told him we NEEDED gas, no exceptions. So, we headed off to Speedway at 3:30 AM and filled the tank, meanwhile I am praying that I magically would need to go to the hospital in the midst of the full tank fill-up. Much to my dismay, we headed back home. This time, I went inside and labored for about an hour or so until things got significantly more painful. Then we headed to the hospital. At 5 A.M., I was three centimeters dilated and I was happy to hear that I had progressed a little. A few hours in, the nurses and my midwife thought I was having back labor, because my contractions were double peaking, and I wasn’t progressing much. My goal was to get through labor naturally, and this slow progression didn’t help my internal state of mind. However, I remember thinking, “Can it really get much worse?” Grant specifically recalls the determination that he saw in my eyes, as each hour and contraction passed. I did feel determined. I know it was because of prayer and because I had prepared my mind for nine months. Grant and I did a 12 week long course called, The Bradley Method, that was taught by our doula. That class was instrumental in helping us prepare for this whole birth experience.

By the way, I wish I had a sneak peak video of Grant during my entire labor process. I could cry just thinking about it. He was my biggest support and encourager. He locked eyes with me, time and time again and breathed through the contractions with me, I have never felt closer to another human being, it was beautiful.

Then, after an amazing position suggestion from our doula- (JEANETTE ALBRIGHT- Look her up and book her, you won’t regret it), contractions sped up and I started pushing. I tried pushing standing up, pushing laying down, pushing over a squatting bar, I tried it all.  An hour and twenty minutes later, adrenaline was pumping and all I remember was someone saying, “You can grab your baby!!” and that ladies and gentlemen is literally the moment that our lives changed forever. Tears staining everything, Grant and I held on to each other and our baby. We were both in awe. In the midst of all the excitement, we forgot to check if it was a boy or girl and Grant was the one that got to shout it out. We both were frantically searching for the body part when he yelled, “IT’S A GIRL!!!”

A girl. Our beautiful, chubby-cheeked, mop-headed, little baby girl. We will never be the same, Sadie Rose. Mommy and daddy may gain a few extra wrinkles from the lack of sleep, but oh how we would do anything for you, wrinkles and all.

House projects will pick up soon, but for now, we are going to enjoy as many baby snuggles as we can before these fleeting moments are forever gone.

P.S. I always knew that my parents loved me, but I never realized to what extent that was or how deep that love truly, truly was, until we had Sadie. UGH IT’S JUST ALL SO BEAUTIFUL. BRB, going to get my Kleenex for the 100th time this week.



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It’s The Small Things.

This week we made some more baby steps and man do those baby steps feel good. We are officially DONE with demoing (we still have to redo the 2 bathrooms upstairs but those are projects to be later addressed). Our laundry room tile is being put in, the drywall and electric is done in the laundry room, and our entry wall is nearing completion ( I will share all of the before and afters with you someday soon). All of the NASTY trim is being painted, can I get an amen to the fresh feeling of clean, new paint?! New door knobs and hinges have been put on doors upstairs and the upstairs closets are lined and ready to go. We have spent so much money on cabinet liner and I JUST found the best cabinet and shelf liner of all time. Click the link to check it out! Con-Tact Brand Zip-N-Fit

On another note, this past weekend I had a family shower that was absolutely beautiful. Grant and I have been so blessed and have had five…yes five wonderful showers for our future babe. You better believe the first thing I am doing on move in day is setting up that nursery and filling it with all of the wonderful items we received from all of our dear family and friends.

Some pictures of the past week:



Thanks for reading buds!


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